FUTURES TRADES ON ES (S&P 500 Index) FOR 06/21/2017 using the APEX SEES and ORDER PRINTS


FUTURES TRADES ON ES (S&P 500 Index) FOR 06/21/2017 using the APEX SEES and ORDER PRINTS

TOTAL TICKS: -30 Ticks (2 Contracts)


I got faked out by the signals, this shows you that you cannot WIN every trade, however, there is a a HIGH PROBABILITY that you will be successful in 85% - 90% of your trades (NOT 100%) if you adhere to the RULES and SIGNALS. Most importantly, is to minimize your losses as well. My typical SL that I use is between 5 - 8 ticks. I am disciplining myself wherein if I incur two consecutive losses, I am FINISHED for the day!


Great Account Management. Losses can get into your mind, trading strategy and mess up the rest of the day. Best to set a limit to maximum losses and consecutive losses and stick with it… We doubt enters your mind it is best to stop for the day. Always tomorrow.