Futures Versus Forex

Has anyone in our group had experience trading the APEX signals on the AUD (6A) and GBP (6B) futures instead of the spot forex symbols? I realize that Nadex is using the spot FX, but the futures would seem to have the advantage of volume information. If the these are considered substantially equivalent, it would appear the futures would give a slight advantage when plotted on the Elite template. A related important question is are the futures diag dev levels visible in 6A & 6B?

I love trading forex on the futures markets. The deviations do work on futures fx. To see a list of all symbols go to the current deviations page and you will see what nadex, forex, futures, commodities, and futures/fx markets we cover. You can pull these deviation levels in nt7 automatically by simply adding the deviation level indicator to that chart.

Volume does give you an edge. Though i focus more on apex pattern price action with diagnostic bars with the velocity bars than i do on volume as it I have found it works even without much volume interpretation at all.

If trading forex spot or nadex forex (which follows forex spot) you can have both a forex spot and a futures forex chart open with volume on the futures forex chart if you want to view volume on the forex pair. Just make sure if not trading the actual forex futures you base your ulimate decisions on the spot price as nadex follows spot fx not futures fx which varies slightly in price due to carry interest (however this number (difference between spot fx and futures fx is usually pretty much the same over a 1 day period)