I know there is a plethora of different trading and investing glossaries on the internet. However, it would be great if you or one of your team could throw together a simple list of terms on your trading style, strategies, and trading terms in general. Understanding Nomenclature and terms is so basic and simple to the mastery of a subject it often goes over looked or disregarded. Teaching and knowing a subject means you know the words with which you communicate.
Maybe there is a dictionary or glossary you could recommend from Amazon or that you personally already have. I am proud to say I’ve spent at least 50 or 60 hours pouring through your videos and NADEX videos (basics and advanced). I’m not done by a long shot…never will be. You put out tons of content!
If this was listed under Education or Questions that would be perfect and VERY valuable. I really get these mixed up:
Butterflys Iron butterflys Iron Condors Straddles Strangles
Thanks Darrell for all that you do. I really get discouraged sometimes, but I try to stay focused on the goals!