Gold, Copper, Silver, Natural Gas Data Error Fix (Chart taking FOREVER to load)


As soon as the market opened up on Sunday night GC hit a crazy high of Twelve Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty One before crashing back down to normal levels of One Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Two. This short trade from the top down was a traders dream! Here are the charts. In actuality I called AMP and they said they notified CQG and that this is more than likely a data glitch and that the trades that happened during this time will be reversed. Darrell wanted me to post this as an example of such an anomaly.


The anomaly was due to a decimal error that was recorded. Ninja will fix this automatically today or in the next couple days. If you don’t want to wait. You can do the following. You could have to to this on tick bars as well if using diagnostic bars.

You can edit it under tools historical data manager. edit function

Below is a video and a screenshot on how to fix this locally while waiting on NT7 to fix their historical data servers.

Ths video was made by NT7 this morning: 2014-06-16_0757 - NTcameron’s library


2014-06-20_1451 - JohnMARKSkelton’s library Date 06/15 Time 18:12 GC 2014-06-20_1454 - JohnMARKSkelton’s library Date 06/15 Time 18:04 NG 2014-06-20_1455 - JohnMARKSkelton’s library Date 06/15 Time 18:20 HG 2014-06-20_1457 - JohnMARKSkelton’s library Date 06/15 Time 18:20 SI

NT7 is aware of the issue and they should be resolving it this weekend.


Ninja Fixed GC, NG, HG, and SI this past weekend.

To resolve it on your computer do this:

1 Close NT7 2 Go to C:\Users[yourusernameoncomputer]\Documents\NinjaTrader 7\db 3 Delete the Cache folder (NOTE ONLY THE DELTE THE /CACHE FOLDER THAT IS IN THE /DB FOLDER)

This will delete the old data that has the error

Now open NT7 and you should be good to go.


Reminder - how to fix slow loading Gold/Silver/Copper/Natural Gas Charts


Just in case anyone is still having problems getting the diagnostic bars to load on GC (I did get the minute bars to load) I finally got mine working. I had to delete my cache file today to get the expected volume indicator working properly. Doing this should have fixed the problem with the GC charts as well like Darrell mentioned above. This alone did not work for me. Here is what I did:

  1. I watched the video from NinjaTrader that Mark posted above.
  2. I manually changed all of the bad tick data as outlined in the video. It was still in there even after clearing the cache.
  3. I saved the changes.
  4. I opened a fresh GC chart using minute bars (after two failed tries with trying to load diagnostic bars).
  5. When that chart pulled up, I reloaded historical data.
  6. Then, I changed the chart to diagnostic bars and voila!

:slight_smile: I now have my right hand back!


did you clear the /db/cache folder? Did you do this while nt7 was closed? Did you open then close then open nt7 afterwards?

As something was not deleted if you had to edit the data.

You an also delete the db/tick db/minute db/day db/data and db/cache if you want to delete all historical data (dont delete the NinjaTrader.sdf file in /db)