Gold Deviation Move

Did you have any indication that Gold would make the drop it did today? I had your deviation schedule this morning on gold and new the levels, but this move seemed contrary to all the people in the know. Your Apex Pattern had a short at 8am. I had placed a straddle on the trade and have done well with this method. I guess my question is could I have had any inkling of the largess of this move? Obviously, Apex road it all the way down. I was concerned that the ultimate move would be upward and took a nice profit on the downward move, but nothing like it could have been. I’d be interested in your thoughts.

You never know how big it will be…but deviations did define it right at the 3 deviation level which is 99.7 of a move in a day - we usually dont expect more than a 1 deviation move (about 70%)

But it called it perfectly with the deviations and the apex pattern rode it all the way as you said