im up 7k on EUR/USD demo thanks for the news wish it was real money on the line
I laid real money on the line and netted a buck forty. Uh, that’s one dollar and forty cents. Can y’all critique my trade? Thanks.
Type Date Time Description Amount notes Buy 2/7/2014 7:14:46 1 EUR/USD 1.3570-1.3820 (3PM) @ 1.3602 -32 tpo at 32+35=1.3669 Fee Payment 2/7/2014 7:14:46 1 EUR/USD 1.3570-1.3820 (3PM) @ 1.3602 -0.9 Sell 2/7/2014 7:14:54 1 EUR/USD 1.3320-1.3570 (3PM) @ 1.3535 -35 tpo at 35+32=1.3468 Fee Payment 2/7/2014 7:14:54 1 EUR/USD 1.3320-1.3570 (3PM) @ 1.3535 -0.9 Sell to Close 2/7/2014 8:31:54 1 EUR/USD 1.3570-1.3820 (3PM) @ 1.3635 65 exit both sides when initial spike did not reach either tpo Fee Payment 2/7/2014 8:31:54 1 EUR/USD 1.3570-1.3820 (3PM) @ 1.3635 -0.9 Buy to Close 2/7/2014 8:32:14 1 EUR/USD 1.3320-1.3570 (3PM) @ 1.3563 7
Fee Payment 2/7/2014 8:32:14 1 EUR/USD 1.3320-1.3570 (3PM) @ 1.3563 -0.9 net $1.40 whoppee
You should not have entered the trade.
The EUR/USD Expected move was 100 pips
You where risking $67 (tip on news trades leave out the fees and just go for 1 to 1 wo fees) ****s to have a winner turn into a loser to cover a few bucks in fees.
Note you should have also posted what price the eur/usd was at at the time of your trade. Assuming 1.3568
Well to make $67 You need to make 67 plus the risk on the other side as your take profit above where bought spread or below where sold spread
long side risk 32 short side risk 35
So you need to make 102 pips on the long side and 99 pips on the short side to get a 1:1
Which means you need the eur/usd to move 102 pips above the bought spreads price OR you needed the eur/usd to move 99 pips below the sold spreads price (considering the eur/usd was basically right at the floor ceiling -
That means you needed 102+35 on the long side for 137 pip move
99+ 32 on the short side for 131
Both these numbers are outside the 100 pip up down move on the eur that was expected…
Th eur moved about 80 pips…
Should have
A - Check the 11 AM spreads to see if they would be in the range
B Checked one of the other 7 pairs we had listed if not
C - Checked the binaries to see if they would have worked within the range
D - Done an iron condor and inverted the trade and collected premium
E - stayed out
Any of the above… in that order
Good job posting the trade follow up and asking questions…
Does this help more questions… please let me know… i wish more trades would post their questions on these … they are little hard to begin with but once you got em - they are EASY