Happy New Year


Let me take this opportunity to say that I really value and appreciate your ethics level and sense of integrity on the tools, trading rules, philosophy, service and products you put out. And how you refuse to release junk. i.e. you really test across many platforms, OS’es, etc, work out all the bugs and try to break it or crash it before giving it to us. After all, not only is your reputation is on the line but we all so dearly want to make money trading NOW.

I’m sure I can vouch for every one in the community by saying you torch-er us by “dangling these carrots” in front of us on what’s in development and all the exciting things up and coming from your APEX team; but you won’t release them until they are ready.

I’m still learning, still surviving as a trader thanks to you. I’m looking forward to a flourishing and prosperous new year.

Again Kudos.

Steve in Los Angeles :cool:

Someday Steve, someday :slight_smile:


Thank you :slight_smile: Sorry about the torturing part, so many people always ask what tools we are developing so I share versus keeping it a secret. Trust me I want everything released yesterday :slight_smile: But as you stated we test it like crazy. If I release it without beta testing it it would be chaos of chasing tech support tickets versus getting it done right.

We are working as fast as we can Good news is we just released the stop ticket and more coming soon, as always :slight_smile:

I’m looking forward to the new year and the multiple releases coming out over the next couple months.