Health Insurance For Traders and their families

With the current Health Care law, obamacare website, and all the other things happening in the industry, now more than ever, it is prudent for you to find the right plan for you. It is difficult to navigate and know your getting what you really want and the best deal for you and your family. Note this is not about liking or disliking the new law as there are plenty of sides on this issue. It is about the reality that you need to find the best plan for your family. As a trader, especially if your full time etc… or don’t have insurance at a job then the following recommendation is an invaluable resource. Feel free to pass on this information to others that you believe will benefit as well.

Just a note to traders out there trying to work out their health insurance. I have used Marion Wilson (contact info below) for many years. She is very knowledgeable in all the plans available and can easily obtain the quotes for you. She only makes money when you sign up through a plan for her so her goal is to get the right plan for you and it cost you nothing extra to utilize her as your resource.

Instead of spending dozens of hours or just guessing about a plan. I highly suggest you give her a call or email her and ask her to help you find the best plans for you. She can look both on and off exchanges for you.

I personally recommend her as she has served me and my wife and now our kids very well over the years and I am sure she will be great at helping you as well in finding the right healthcare insurance plan. Feel free to let her know I referred you if you desire.

Marions Contact information is:


Choice Medical Plans 535 Sage Valley Dr Specializing in Insurance Richardson, TX 75080 Individual and Group Fax toll free 1 877 369 0413 [email protected] Marion Wilson 972. 671 .0801

She has licenses to help those who reside in TX, CA, AZ, CO, DE, FL, GA, IL, KS, KY, LA, ME, MI, MN, NC, NJ, NM, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, TN, UT, VA, WA, and WI. If you don’t live in one of these states an need help still shoot her an email as she may now have a license in your state or may know someone to recommend you to that can objectively assist you.

Darrell Martin

Great post Darrell, thanks! I’m not full-time yet, but one my biggest concerns when I do get there is how will I keep/afford health insurance. Glad there are still options for those who desire not to have a W-2.

I have always enjoyed helping you and your family evaluate insurance options available. You always have insightful, thoughtful questions. It gives me an opportunity to see another perspective and help me broaden my analysis of insurance companies and their plans. I thank you for allowing me the opportunity to help you and at the same time improve how I help my clients. I look forward to working with you for many years to come.

Great. That’s a very insightful perspective. Just a couple items to ponder… If you’re working at an organization of 20+ employees you should have an opportunity to continue your insurance via COBRA. You will also have an opportunity to enroll in all the plans in your commnity via a “Special Election Period” (SEP) with guaranteed issue on all health plans regardless of your health history. The SEP is part of the Affordable Care Act. You will be able to choose between COBRA and all the plans in your area. You can choose an OFF EXCHANGE/MARKETPLACE plan OR ON EXCHANGE/MARKETPLACE plan. You choose what works best for you.