i just received my credentials for my trial with ninjatrader. cq works fine but, when i try to login to fxcm i get an error saying that my account has hedging and i must contact the broker to have that changed? i renew my trial every 2 weeks so i need a solution without contacting ninjatrader please.
Yeah I’m getting the same information, they may have set it up that way to force contact.
Did your Forex login in information come from NinjaTrader or FXCM??
Try getting the information from Fxcm itself. When I used the log in credentials from NinjaTrader, I got the same hedging is not allowed message. But with the info from FXCM, there was no issue
I just tried both ways a few minutes ago.
http://ninjatrader.com/FreeLiveData?gclid=Cj0KEQiA1qajBRC_6MO49cqDxbYBEiQAiCl5_Cq4w5lAqW5UccmzifnCXPydMdGNpHAIiVbf_4d8tQYaAlIB8P8HAQ (The link from http://apexinvesting.net/setting-up-ninja-trader/ ) where I have always gotten the trials before now with no problem… what link did you use?
That was the sign-up that was giving me the error message too.
Get your log-in info directly from FXCM and there shouldnt be an issue.
getting them direct from fxcm worked. thanks for your help.
You are welcome
Glad everything worked out
@MATRIXBINARY373 That worked well, thank you