How Do I Fix My Oil Chart and Get Accurate Volume?


Over the last couple of days some of you that trade Nadex have had issues with your CL 11-14 charts. This is due to Nadex rolling over their oil contracts a week earlier than CME. You can choose to wait to trade Oil on Nadex until the rollover is complete or you can watch the following video which will show you how to correct the chart, and what you need to do to get the correct Volume readings. PLEASE NOTE: Following the screenshot instructions below will fix your pricing and charts but will NOT fix the data issue, you must watch the video for instructions on data.


Thanks for the info. But I don’t really understand why Nadex chose to rollover oil a week early? Why couldn’t they have rolled over the same time as CME?


yes that is the question of the month…

let them know your thoughts as i hope they wont do this again