I’m trying to get set up for all the NADEX instruments but the CQG demo feed doesn’t seem to include the 2 Asian markets (Japan 225 NK and China 50 CN). Can somebody tell me what I have to do to get those data feeds in Ninja?
I believe IQ Feed has them available. There will be a monthly charge for data. It used to be $78 per month. However it has been about 2 years since I used them. To my knowledge, there is no data feed for them unless you pay for it.
hmmm that’s what I figured, I hate to pay a lot of money for extra packages when I only need one product from each but it seems like these international products are harder to get. I think if I was to buy the feeds necessary to cover all the Nadex products I’d be spending several hundred dollars/month.
I was exploring my options for data if I stop playing the demo game, and I went to see what Kinetic offers. They don’t even have the European or Asian ones available in any package! My only other good option may be to open an account with Ninja and fund it, but unfortunately they don’t like my net worth numbers and I haven’t decided if I want to just lie about it…
I told them I was unemployed and had $1000 to open an account so I could get the futures data feed in Ninja. They sent a waiver I had to sign indicating that:
- I acknowledged the out sized risk and the unadvisedly small account size.
- I acknowledged that they advised me against it.
- I acknowledged that I wanted to do it anyway. I signed it and they approved my application.
I know its not enough to trade with live but I do have the data feeds. When I get enough in the account I would eventually like to trade futures. Right now I’m learning to trade well in DEMO on NADEX. Soon I willl go live on NADEX so as to build up a sufficient account size to trade futures on NINJA.
@chriscorogin no kidding? Which broker was it–Philip or Dorman? I tried Philip and they wanted at least 15k liquid. Amp Futures let me open an account by signing that document, but Ninja doesn’t support Amp anymore…
Dorman. I think that the indices you want still have their own charge, you would have to check it out.
Update on this in case it helps anybody… I was successful getting an account opened with Dorman, even with a negative net worth and a small liquid net worth. Much better than Philip! Once I funded it with $1,000, I could buy their data as a non-professional. Here is where you can see the rates for the packages:
And here are the details about what products are in each package:
So as long as you stay with the CME packages it’s pretty cheap. Adding the European products gets more expensive, and I don’t see any Asian stuff available at all. But there’s enough just inside CME to keep you busy. Perhaps the yen futures would give some evening action? I haven’t explored it yet.