How Do I Move Chart Content Around On My Ninja Trader Chart?

Tips For Manipulating Your Actual Ninja Trader Chart

  • Adjust Bar Width - right click on your chart, click data series, change the bar width, this is one option there are more below.
  • Expand or shrink bars/time on chart - you can left click on time line below the chart and drag it to the right to condense the chart and time and see more bars together, or drag to the left to stretch out the time and see fewer bars.
  • To stretch bars/price action vertically - left click on the market price area, drag it up, this will elongate the bars, stretching it vertically, dragging down will squish it and shorten what you are seeing on your chart.
  • Center Chart - Click the F in upper right corner to bring chart back to center.
  • Move entire chart up or down - hold down the ctrl key and click in the market price area then drag up or down, that will move the whole chart up or down.
  • If you hold down the ctrl key and arrow up then the bars will narrow and more bars will fill the chart showing more time. Ctrl, and arrowing down, the bars will get larger and you will see fewer bars.

See how Darrell uses the above in this video below.