How To Get 6 Months Trading Experience In An Couple Hours

Ninja has an awesome market replay feature. It allows you to get weeks of experience in minutes/hours.

It will “rewind” the tape and then play it forward as fast as you want.

This is one of the best tools a trader can use and will help you master the apex system fast

I show the fastest way above. To learn even more about market replay check out the links below.

Learn how to quickly gain 6 months of trading experience in only hours. This is fastest way to test any strategy trading system. And the fastest way to learn the A.P.E.X. Elite Trading System. This video shows how to quickly download multiple instruments and days of data into Ninja Trader 7 for the use of the Market Replay to simulate real time trading. It covers important things to consider to ensure you are using the replay accurately and how to use the function. It discusses how using market replay is a much more accurate way to do backtest than a simple program backtester.

Go here “”]here for the best market replay data continuous contracts, multiple markets, 1 year of data level 1 and level 2, cloud based, stable, works inside nt7 but lets you use nt7, fast, and easy Go [URL=“”[/url] to get it

Hi Darrel,

Where may I obtain Nadex Market Replay Data?

a) Does it include deviation data? Does it come in two levels of data?

b) Also, if there are multiple levels (i.e. Levels I & Levels II) of Nadex Replay Data, for the purposes of best practice and use with APEX ELITE Indicators, which level, if there are different levels of data, should be downloaded that would best use my time to mimic Nadex for learning purposes?

  • If there is no market replay data at this time, what is the best way to learn Nadex Market Replays with most accuracy?

Thank you for your patience with us newbs :slight_smile:

You can not obtain replay data for nadex yet. The data can be collected but it is massive amounts of data every single tick and is not in organized fashion - ie charts etc… so programs have to be built to parse it out like on a chart.

The main issue is there are 1,000+ contracts a day it snot like just collecting data on one futures contract its all the ticks on the 1,000+ contracts.

Deviation data - do you mean Apex Diagnostic deviations - you can view those historically on ninjatrader charts using our indicator

Multiple levels assuming you mean multiple levels of bid/ask size and price at once. Im sure the data is there but in reality you usually only look at level 1 when doing a replay.

You can get the replay data on the underlying market in nt7 as noted in the video above.

Regarding elite just do it on the simple underlying market. Win/Loss will apply the same on a nadex contract (only variance being if doing binaries ie ITM/OTM - was there enough time for move on OTM or did it expire ITM etc… based on contract selected. For spreads will be very similar so long as choosing ATM spreads.

For the reasons noted above you can’t learn Nadex market replays. You can replay a strategy ie elite on the underlying then apply it. Then extract assume pricing based on strike, distance to underlying, implied volatility, time to expiration etc… based on regular pricing you see in live trading with the same factors all built in.

Best practice is get a strategy working on market replay on the underlying. Make an assumption on how to choose the nadex spread or binary then test in demo going forward to see if your assumptions are correct. And not time of day etc… strikes available, fills, prices etc… as doing so.

Go here “”]here for the best market replay data continuous contracts, multiple markets, 1 year of data level 1 and level 2, cloud based, stable, works inside nt7 but lets you use nt7, fast, and easy Go [URL=“”[/url] to get it
