I have the new solar Logitech keyboard mouse combo.
My center wheel on my mouse was not showing the OHLC, when I used it as a middle button and clicked on my price bars on my chart. I contacted Ninja Trader to see how to adjust it. They gave me several suggestions.
FIRST ONE Hello Kellie,
Thank you for your note.
I would like to have you right click on the Windows Task Bar at the bottom of your screen, and select “Task Manager”.
In the Task Manager window that opens, are there any programs listed in the “Applications” tab with Logitech in the name? If so, right click on this program, and select “End Task”.
In the “Processes” tab, do any of the listed processes have “Logitech” in their description? If so, please right click on the process, and select “End Process”.
After closing any Logitech related programs using the above steps, are you now able to click the middle mouse button in your charts and see the Data Box appear with bar information?
The above did not work for me so they sent another suggestion.
SECOND ONE Hello Kellie,
I would like to have you check in the system tray (found to the left of the clock in your Windows Task Bar) for an application called “SetPoint” by hovering your mouse over the icons there. You can double click on these icons to launch the application associated with them. I’ve attached a screen shot of SetPoint, to help you find if this program is running.
If it is in your system tray, double click on it, select “Middle Button” from the “Select Button” list in the center of the application, and make sure it is set to “Middle Button” in the “Select Task” area to the right. Then click “OK”.
Cut paste image into browser for visual, sorry couldnt get it to load correctly said file was too big.
THIRD SOLUTION My logitech software for my mouse was a little different than the above, but I basically followed the same instructions in the picture and my wheel works as a middle button now and I can see the OHLC of my price bars.
Hope this helps you!!