How to open older contract/older date series on market replay?

Hello fellow Apex members,

I’m testing out a trading system and was wondering if I could get some help on loading older contract charts. One of the charts I’m interested in is for the sake of example CL. The current contract is CL 02-16 and on NT the furthest that the data exists for that contract looks to be 7/31/15. I tried to load older data by downloading CL 08-15 which contains data from earlier in the year and replaying it on market replay only to be met with a completely blank white chart when I opened it on replay. Would any of you know how to accomplish loading the older data?

Thanks a lot in advance guys.


Try suing CL## which is a way to pull continuous contract and see if that does it for you going back historically

Jeff, as Skeleton said one option is to use the continuous contract. To be more clear the symbol in the instrument manager is CL ##-##.

Use the Market Replay data downloader: