How to properly transition to the new scanners

With the release of the new Binary and Spread scanners for Nadex, people will need some information on how to hop over properly. I have also posted some links below to training videos from our webinars for both scanners, but before you watch those, let’s talk about getting you ready to use them first.

Darrell posted this picture last night in the rooms and people found it very useful, so I’ll post it again here and outline below what it means in a little more detail…

Update Chrome

You should be on Chrome Version 44.0.2403.89 m or newer. If you are not, just type chrome://chrome in your address bar, or click menu > About Google Chrome. This page will check to see if you’re up to date, and if not, it’ll update for you and ask that you restart Chrome. If you’re having issues updating chrome, you may need to follow the steps below, otherwise, just move on to the next section.

  1. Go here to download chrome: CLICK ME
  2. Open the folder location with the download.
  3. Close Chrome
  4. Right click on the installation file and “Run as administrator”
  5. Go back to chrome://chrome or chrome://help and allow it to check for and apply updates.

This will also resolve the issue of the Nadex Platform Integration plugin being NOT COMPATIBLE

AdBlock Chrome extension

While I’m a huge fan of this extension, it doesn’t play nicely with apex and our scanners, so you’ll have to white list a few domains.

  1. Right click the ABP icon next to your chrome menu and address bar
  2. Click Options
  3. Click “Whitelisted domains” tab
  4. Add the following urls, one at a time and click Add domain.

Get rid of the old scanner extension!

If you do not disable the old scanner extension, things will NOT work! I’ll save you from all the technical mumbo-jumbo and just trust me on this.

  1. Type chrome://extensions in your address bar
  2. Find the extension named, “Auto Nadex Extension” and either click the trashcan icon to remove it completely or un-check the box that says Enable.

Allow pop-ups in Chrome settings

  1. Go to Chromes’ settings either via the menu, or by putting chrome://settings/ in your address bar.
  2. Click Show advanced settings… at the bottom of the page.
  3. Click Content settings… under the Privacy section
  4. Scroll down to the Pop-ups section and you can either allow all pop-ups, or click Manage exceptions… to manually add domains.
  5. Type in and press enter. Do the same for
  6. You’re now done. Drink a refreshing beverage and relax.


Once you get your ducks in a row, you should be able to visit and use the new scanners problem free. if you cannot, then feel free to contact the help desk by clicking that button at the bottom of your page that says Click here to chat, or if we are offline, you can submit a help desk ticket.

For training on the binary scanner, click here to view the webinar where we unveiled it. If you’re interested in training on the new Spread scanner, click here.

Click here to unleash the awesomeness of our new scanners.

Good evening everyone,

After watching the videos and just now checking on the look and feel of the new scanners, I believe they will allow you to get in when you want and to get out quicker if the market moves against you. This will help in risk management and allow a little more profit.