I made a huge mistake today!

I have no idea what I was thinking today. From 7/17 -7/30 I took $100 to $811…and u know the rest…gave it all back!!! What makes me sick to my stomach is that I know better. It’s like I just blanked out today. I started with a plan, stuck to it and just started straying away from it slowly but surely. Doing pretty much only EPC trades… Today the market spiked down on me on the 3pm expiration. The loss isn’t whats killing me, its that I didn’t do proper MM. To add insult to injury, last night before bed I just watched Darrell’s video on the power of 5% and to stop trading after that goal is reached. I didn’t over trade today, I just bet the farm just like a gambler. Well I’m done ranting, I just can’t believe I done that. August has got to be MY month!!! lol Oh and thanks Darrell for all that you and your team does for teaching people. Keep on keeping on…

Marty we have all been there and done that. Goal in trading is first survival. Second Trade Well, Third make money. as you know from the 5% video simple $50 a day per 1k and you will be cleaning up in no time… Its hard to force yourself to do but its nuts the power this simple rule has.

Me too Marty. I think trading is one of the most challenging endeavors I’ve ever taken up. Constant alertness, constant willingness is the price to pay every day. You and I can start the self flogging club.:wink:

LOL - whatever your weaknesses and strengths -trading will magnify them… Makes you get a big handle on your issues quick or pay the price (the flogging)

Marty - we have all had days/weeks like that!!! The great thing is you realized what the problem was… Trading is a challenging business, but one that is very rewarding (mentally and financially) when done right.

Good luck in the future and Happy Trading, Brad

LOL U guys are crazy…I had a better day today…I went back reviewed videos again last night… Thanks for the responses…

Glad to hear it :slight_smile: