Hello… I’m new to Apex and Nadex and enjoy the platform and trading ideas. My problem is that I also trade Futures that Nadex does not include. I attended a webinar hosted by Darrell that touched on trading volume spikes at deviation levels, and that really makes good sense. I’ve been able to find ways to calculate standard deviations but I need to calculate Implied Deviations. Any one that could supply these calculations ? THANKS IN ADVANCE
Standard deviations are based historical volatility. Implied Deviations designed by Apex are based on implied voloatlity - future expected move.
This is a proprietary formula that we use for extracting the IV from 3 months of options weighting the IV and factoring it into a 1 day move. We will be adding deviations for other futures markets within the next 2 months so long as the market is optionable.
We plan on adding over 40 futures markets, dozens of fx pairs, and over 3,000 stocks/etf’s and indices with the upgrade.
Thanks Darrell… will be looking for the update. The only futures I trade that are not covered now are cocoa and coffee. Hope they will be included in the update.
Does this apply to Nadex as well or strictly Apexinvesting?
We aren’t nadex this is just regarding deviation levels provided by apexinvesting
Since yesterday deviation levels on CL not showing properly only settlement showing. I checked other instruments and they working fine. I re-installed the toolkit, tune up NT7 ( http://apexinvesting.net/forum/apex-indicators-technical-support-180/ninja-seems-soooo-slow-lately-ninja-trader-tune-up-1250.html# ) delete cache in db file and still the same problem. Any idea.
Yes - roll oil to CL 08-14 the future contract rolled and your still looking at CL 07-14. Its much easier than all those other steps you took. Deviation levels are not a remove toolkit, ninja, tune up its just using the right contract.
We have the current underlying on the scanner - right under nadex information - current underlyings updated daily.