Installing and Setting Up Ninja Trader

This video walks you through how to set up and install Ninja Trader. Please watch all videos from start to end to assure that you have all details set up properly. Connection setting and license keys need to be set up in a particular way as to not cause issues down the road.

Just a quick note of a thought I had… Once you have the workspaces that you want set up, take a screenshot of the setup, the data series window and the indicators settings. That way, if you ever need to remake the workspaces you don’t have to remember what you had where. Hope this helps, wish I had thought of it earlier,


You could also simply save the workspace folder under my documents/ninjatrader7/templates/workspaces as a backup. Simply copy the templates or the workspaces folder - go back to my documents and paste it now you will have a backup. Just remember you don’t want workspaces with expired futures in them or you will have errors.