Installing the Plugin For the Internet Explorer Browser

This short video shows how to install the plugin for the internet explorer browser. This plugin is made for internet explorer version 11. It may work with other versions but currently it is designed for version 11. You can obtain version 11 by downloading it free here: Download Internet Explorer 11 - Microsoft Windows

Note we recommend the use of google chrome as it is faster and is generally more stable for trading on Nadex. Also it has the latest scanner features available.

These issues normally may not impact you but when streaming live data it is ideal to have the fastest browser with the least memory utilization. You can obtain the google chrome browser here:

after downloading it and installing it relogin to the scanner and nadex in the google chrome browser.

Please post questions regarding the internet explorer plugin specifically below.

Steps In Video:

This plugin is made for internet explorer version 11. It may work with other versions (ie version 10 etc…but currently it is designed for version 11. You can obtain version 11 for free by downloading it free here: (Download Internet Explorer 11 - Microsoft Windows )

First: Watch the install video by clicking HERE ( )

Steps: 1 Download The Plugin (After clicking the link click save - Override message with ignore/more options - then click run - then run again - then next - next again) 2 Close explorer to it can install it and click retry 3 Explorer will automatically reopen now click enable at the bottom of internet explorer 4 Close Internet Explorer again and reopen it and login to the Nadex Demo Platform 5 Login to nadex demo account 6 Go to binary scanner and click on a bid or ask price (choose demo at the top of the scanner) (If you get a message that says you must login but you are logged into nadex simply go to nadex logout and log right back in and this will resolve it) (It will says popup are blocked after you click on bid or ask price on the binary scanner 7 Go to Nadex Demo Platform and at the bottom you will see a message about popups for this site - choose always allow. 8 Press f5 or the circulular icon in the address bar to refresh the page and the download the ticket plugin and the not logged in message will disappear.9 Now click on the bid/ask on the binary scanner and it will work 9 Repeat steps 5 to 8 to enable it for the live account, but click live on the scanner and login to the live Nadex account.

Reminder - Explorer is slower - has to use an executable to install and you can’t use the stop plugin on it. We recommend chrome.

Downloaded it, installed it, and enabled it; followed all of the instructions, and it does not work. Open the binary scanner, click on a red or green price to auto-open an order ticket, and nothing happens.

Running Windows 8.1 with Internet Explorer version 11.0.9600.16521.

Help, please.

It tells me that I must log in to my Nadex demo account before I can open tickets. In fact, I was logged in to my demo account long before I logged into Apex and opened the scanner. What’s wrong?

Hi Dennis,

Sometimes I am logged into my demo Nadex but I have live chosen on the scanner and tickets won’t open unless both are on the same choice ie. both are on live or both are on demo. That might have been what happened. Not sure. Although if the error message is telling you to log into the demo at Nadex then you probably had demo chosen on the scanner already.

Just log out of demo and log back into demo. You may have to do this a few times. Its a bug in IE. There are several very detailed instructions (in the video it states to do this if you have this issue.)

Also Explorer has issues with trying to do demo and live at the same time.

As we state on every page every video and on the scanner don’t use explorer use chrome. Explorer is there but it is not recommended. Its slow, not as secure, and will not let you use the stop plugin.

You can also submit a help desk ticket but honestly we are going to tell you to use chrome.