I know what you mean about the site navigation. It could definitely use some TLC from an organizing standpoint. There’s just so much information and training that has been developed over the years that it can be tough to keep it all streamlined. Plus there’s always a lot of stuff in the works, and new things coming out all the time.
For example, you heard about “IZSS and SEES” systems a lot. Those were basically the go-to flagship trading strategies of Apex, until recently when the Ultimate Power Plays came along. Those became the main focus, and were the central component to a big open house a few months ago. More recently, just in the last few weeks, even those have been narrowed into the “Power trading with walls” strategy that most folks are focused on now. The Ultimate Power Plays are still good, but they’re a bit more advanced in comparison. So don’t be too concerned with the details of those trades, so much as just getting an introduction to Apex tools and charts.
Actually I would recommend immediately checking out this recent video from John Skelton. He goes over all of this and it will get you up to speed:
So I think the way to maximize your time would be to just go through the Order Prints for any system course to get your 30 day access, and go through some of the Open House webinars. I’d at least start with these:
Apex Webinar 08/17/2017 Making The Most Of The Apex FREE Open House
Webinar 08/29/17 5 Additional Trades To Your Power Play Chart “Please login”
08/30/17 4 New Powerful Entries All on one chart!
Webinar 08/24/17 Mastering Yourself with Apex CEO Darrell Martin
Those webinars call them “additional” trades, but actually those are what you’ll be focused on, as you shouldn’t worry about the Power Plays for now. The 4 Powerful Entries are discussed “Additional Powerful Setups”. That will get you set up to add in the “wall” component, discussed in detail “Power Trading with "Walls"”.
What is linked here is all you really need at this point. Everything else on the site is extra for once you get this down.
Tip: Note how you can increase the playback speed of youtube videos by clicking on the gear icon in the video controls. You can’t even really tell the difference at 1.25x, and sometimes even 1.5x…and that’ll get you through the videos 25-50% faster.