I've installed the plugin. I can tell it is there. It worked before now it does not work

  1. Refresh Your Page

  2. Ensure pop ups are not blocked. Simply click any bid or ask price on the binary scanner then go to the nadex tab in your browser and make sure there is not a message stating popups are blocked. (See the installation video for your browser to see how to unblock pop ups here:

  3. Re-Enable the Plugin

You most likely need to simply re-enable the plugin. After re-enabling simply refresh your webpage (f5 or circular arrow). You may need to close and open your browser if refresh does not work after re-enabling the plugin

For Google Chrome: Click the Gear Icon next to the address bar > settings > extensions > Reload (You will no if the reload is the issue as it will state reload like the picture below:

For Firefox: Ensure the plugin is enabled . Go To tools - Add Ons - if it says disabled - click Enable - then relick Retart now

Click the gear icon in the right side next to the address bar > Manage Add Ons - Ensure it Says Enabled Then close and open the browser.

  1. If the above does not resolve the issue submit a help desk ticket in the free members area. The help desk is located under questions and available once logged in to the Apex Site.

    <img src=/uploads/db0876/1202/0fe4f954894001b3.jpg">

    <img src=/uploads/db0876/1203/163fd6e507c3565b.jpg">

    <img src=/uploads/db0876/1204/cc4678ac6485f715.jpg">

If the above does not work simply uninstall and reinstall the plugin. This literally takes about 60 seconds.