Latest FXCM pricing model tighter bid/offer spreads.,

Trading Tip: Make sure your FX demo or live account is using the most current FXCM model which has tighter bid/offer spreads.

To test this and fix it if needed do the following:

In Ninjatrader Control Center…click on

  1. File

  2. New

  3. Market Analyzer

  4. Right click on the market analyzer and select add instrument

  5. Choose an instrument such as EURUSD

  6. Compare the bid/offer spread (it should be 1 pip or less most of the time.

  7. If not and you have a DEMO account go to

(Note: If you have a live funded account call FXCM to have them update the pricing model with the tighter bid/offer spread at and log out back in after they confirm the change has been made)

  1. IF DEMO Fill out the form to get a new NTB FXCM demo account

  2. Check email for new login information and update the username and password under tools account connections (This may take up to 15 minutes to arrive in your inbox)

Note there is no need to change your ninja key to the one in the email. You can use the same ninja key you already have

REMINDER: You must have futures data also in order to use the expected volume indicator even if using it on forex as it pulls the future forex volume (ie 6e for spot fores EUR/USD)

To learn more about how to setup data feeds and for step by step instructions please to go the following short course: Please login