How do I find next weeks prices? I am interested in the weekly OTM forex binaries. Is there a formula I can use to figure out the opening prices of sunday night binaries before the market opens?
How is the nadex liquidity? What if it is showing 20 contracts available and I want to trade 1000 at a certain price? Are there MM’s that will fill it?
Not sure how you find next weeks prices without a time machine but if you do please let me in on it
Why weekly OTM forex binaries - this is a donation strategy throwing money into the wind.
I’m assuming you means strikes not prices. The strikes will appear on the platform shortly before the market opens. Say there are 13 strikes. They will basically put 1 strike where the market is and 6 above and 6 below by the set with as laid out on the contract specs page on nadex. But the exact strikes will not be known till they are posted. Again tey do post these shortly before the market opens you will have to watch the platform for exact timing.
It is not wise to out trading the market qty shown (on any market or exchange) if you expect to be able to exit before settlement. This would be like overtrading the OI on a call put. But lets just assume for some crazy reason you are willing to hold them all to expiration. Could you put in 1,000 contracts on an contract that has 20. Will the MM fill it? Probably 20 at a time over time. Once filled they will post 20 more over and over and over again. That is liquidity for that price for that very second not for the day. They can fill it in one block. I have seen than quoted blocks filled. But you should not expect it. But i trade within the liquidity of the bid/ask qty as I want to be able to exit before expiration easily and quickly in most cases.
Also a side note. I get this questions all the time about how “i want to trade 1,000 contracts”. And I am in no way saying this as a reflection of you ore your account size. But i would say about 99 traders out of 100 who have asked this question don’t have the funds to do 1,000 contracts. They are just worried that when their accounts get so huge from the millions they will make the liquidity wont’ be there. So as a side note - worry about that when you get there for now focus on what you got.
Now if you are one that has that issue then spread it across multiple markets expand your strategies etc… and remember Nadex is growing larger and larger and larger as FCM’s come online more market makers come on line because more traders come online and more and more will be traceable. But all instruments futures, forex, stock, vanilla call/put options, binaries and spreads all should be traded within the current liquidity parameters for easy exits.