Guys, i heard in a blog that Nadex was having liquidity problems and that their contracts were low on liquidity making it difficult to enter and exit from trades. Also, That there was a team of liquidity providers acting to make it more feaseble.
Can any of you who are trading on a regular basis confirm or deny this please? I really hope that is misleading info cause i m getting ready to enter nadex.
You heard incorrectly from someone who does not know what they are talking about. I have seen dozens of forums with 100’s of incorrect post submit a help desk ticket i will be glad to hop on and correct them… though usually many of these forums only want the negative and when you correct someone and talk about how good something is they ban you and call you a marketer
Just like on CME gold is not super liquid - so keep what you see on the depth in mind regarding your position size.
You will see it is plenty liquid fast. Now if you ar etrying to flip 10,000 contracts then yes you will have issues. But by the way don’t trade gold, corn, soybeans etc… etc… either on the CME as you will have the same issue.
But you can SEE the liquidity right in front of you so whatever the person on the forum is saying is blind i guess.
If you have questions about Nadex ask here for accurate answers from actual nadex traders that understand Nadex and have traded it for more than 2 weeks on a demo.
Nadex does not make liquidity they are an exchange that facilitates orders.
You can see up to 3 levels deep. Some have 1 level some have a dozen depending on how many trader and market makers are posting limits.
The market makers are contractually obligated to make a market As volume continues to rise more market makers will come on making even tighter bid/ask and more liquidity as they will compete for your fill. (their goal is bid/ask spread not opposing direction as they lay off the risk to other traders)
Just because a book is taken out does not mean anything. and if taken out they refresh it fairly fast.
One suggestion is don’t outtrade the market they goes for nadex, cme, or anything else.
Ok Darrell Thanks, thats what i thought. The person must not even have traded it. Anyway, just one more question for you or for any one that is available.
In the P3 signals, i noticed that if i take only the core trades i would generally be almost with a 70% hit rate in my favor.
So i wonder, since i may not have the time to place straddles and strangles, if i cant just stick to these and the gaps ? Or even just the cores. They are wonderful…
[FONT=Helvetica]You can stick to just core trades many traders do this. Gap trades have been very light lately with the market at/making highs.[/font]
[FONT=Helvetica]The big benefit on the straddles and strangles is you are learning a skill set. With the news trade newsletter you can schedule them around your schedule there are dozens of trades you can do each week. We post a few signals on them so they don’t effect the stats but you literally have dozens of trades you can do each week based on the news. I just posted 10 news trading strategies and the weekly newsletter under Scanner in the menu above. This week it is public going forward it will be private for Elite Subscribers and P3 Subscribers, and Scanner Subscribers.[/font]