Hi DM,
I’m looking to find more specific instruments that suit my strategy. What suits me best is slow instruments with very, very clear APEX patterns, minimal chop. I don’t need much movement at all, just a clear and steady direction.
I’m working on a focus/strategy of trend trading deep ITM premium collection binaries throughout the day, and am only looking to collect $5 per trade (buying in multiples of 4 each time at the moment according to the 5% rule). I prefer to be in and out, safely inching my way towards my 5% profit goal, instead of looking for a only a few larger trends to develop using something like spreads. More of a focus on time decay as much as movement. This has been working well for me for the past few weeks. My thinking is that I am not “asking too much” from the market which makes my orders are very easy to fill. Naturally this has me placing many trades, but I don’t mind paying more commission as my profit is gained in volume, finding safety in numbers of trades. Also it is a bit easier on the lifestyle as I find I can close out more frequently and walk away for lunch/bathroom/coffee/sunshine rather than being glued to the screen all day.
The trouble with this approach is that chop effects me pretty greatly at the times when I am unable to find rather deep ITM possibilities. Currently I am focusing on NQ, YM, and TF. When they tend to mirror each other a bit it can be great, but when they are choppy I find myself treading water. I like the patterning of corn and soy, oil and gold can be nice, but all of them either pace faster than I care to expose myself too, or are subject to sudden movements due to news.
Again, I’m looking for instruments that hold steady and clear trend/APEX patterns, and I don’t mind them moving mind-numbingly slow. I have not explored FX yet, though I am under the impression they can be as volatile as gold/oil/corn/soy. Not sure, looking for feedback. If you see any holes for improvement in my approach, I would love to hear what you think as well if you have the time.
As always thank you for you help, and I hope this post can help others as well.