I downloaded the newest NinjaTrader7 and that dumped all of my saved Work Spaces (APEX charts). Can anyone show me where I can find the directions/helps on APEX Investing Institute to set that APEX work space back up on Ninja Trader?:o
Short setup videos can be found under education - Ninjatrader Trader Resources - How To use NinjaTrader - (ie how to setup diagnostic charts, analyzer, 10 min deviation etc…
Thx; guess I needed the refresher course on this. APEX charts are fantastic; $3000.00 plus on my Demo Nadex account in two weeks and that is with only risking about 2% of my principle. I think I am getting the hang of it now! Tim H
Great job! - Yeah Darby has been great helping put together these short videos on steps like chart setup etc…
NT should be promoting you to backup when you closed it.