Low Risk High Reward Strategy?


I have been demoing nadex and trying different strategies and I came to the conclusion that I’m a profitability trader. Meaning I’d rather lose 7 times at $10 each and then win 3 times for $90. I care more about being net profitable. The thing is whenever I try to do deep otm strikes when there’s expected moves, the spread is huge. I think that’s really unfair and as the investor I feel like there’s always an edge against us. Any one have any breakout ideas or strategies that would allow me to trade deep otm strikes? I’m open to all.


DOTM can move very slow. You can look at the price ladder to easily see what the binary should be priced at based on the market price and this will tell you how far it needs to move to be profitable and what it should be priced at. You can also use the Simulator function of the scanner to determine this. So there should not be any surprises in the pricing or the value of the binary if you get the expected move you had been looking for.Binaries under 25 range do move very very slow. If your strategy ro system is working and you are getting the expected moves you may want to consider an OTM not a DOTM