Ninja does not work on my mac what do you suggest or i use TOS on mac or chat software does not work on mac.
I love TOS but understand the mac version is a dumbed down version of TOS for PC’s (which sort of beats the point of having a mac right)
I love trading and I love Mac’s. I myself have a iMac, ipad, iphone, ipad etc…
Mac’s are awesome. They are secure, have very few issues if any most of the time. Great for graphics.
Trading on a Mac cost you tons of opportunities in trading. Think of how many tools you have not been able to use because you had a mac.
Ask yourself W.A.I.T… Why Am I Trading? Are you trading to love your mac? or trading to make money to buy a new one
You don’t drive a mercedes in a nascar race and you don’t trade on a Mac… There are some fast mercedes but in general they are not built for nascar. neither where macs built for trading or trading programs built for Macs.
You have a few chioices as a mac trader:
Love your mac more than you like making money and lose out on all the tools that can’t work on a mac
Put a VM or oracle on your Mac… That will work but it is a memory hog and again beats the point of having a mac (if you hate pc’s and windows why would you put windows on your mac… At least keep the dog out of the mercedes ok - but some do this and are okay with it)
Buy a Cheap PC - new one at best buy decent pc that will get you started for as little a $300-$400
if you have money already from trading or money to spend or after you make money on your new trading toys on the cheap pc - then you can upgrade - to a power pc - i am working wih a company right now and will have a update in two weeks on how to get a top of the line pc that runs clean without all the crap on it - let me know here in this thread and i will send you an email when available.
(note to use ninjatrader 7, to get our apex pattern software, diagnostic bars, deviation levels auto plotting on charts, automated strategy and more you need a pc or at least a VM on your mac - also to access our live trading room you need a pc - one day in the room one trade could easily pay for the pc - hence the cheap and then upgrade option)
after installing it, they create machines …
each machine needs to have a valid windows OS though …
you have to have a windows cd.
for me, I use “Magic ISO” a virtual cd utility that lets me “mount” .iso files
an .iso file is a cd image stored on the hard drive, so with magic iso you can have lots of virtual cds mounted at the same time.
so what i did was:
download .iso files containing 90-day trial installations of windows
so that I could load up a VM with any version of windows, but it would expire in 90 days,
this gets you to the point to get a free pc if you need the time to make the cash to pay for it
it’s REALLY slow.
when I have one vm on my computer, it really drags it down.
a windows 8 vm is worst.
windows xp is tolerable.
so i would recommend the users create windows xp vms as they are faster.
Mac also has something called “Parallel” or “Parallels” which runs a windows os
most mac users would probably be familiar with it.
but i would suspect that the oracle vm would be better-written than the parallels software
The new MacBOOKS work great just install boot camp and install Windows on it… I hate windows but you gotta use the operating system your tools work on…
Great thread! Being very very new to trading and knowing I would need to be able to trade at work my first thought was what type of tablet or PC to use? I see you all recommend EZ Trading Computers
. However, is there a retail item you all would suggest for trading? Thank You
I trade on my macbook pro with ease. I have windows 7 installed on a virtualbox (which is free) and nt7 runs like a champ.
You dont need to buy parallels or buy vmware, just download virtualbox for free:
You can use a windows 7 ISO file to install win 7 on it, or you can use an external CD drive and your windows 7 disc. There are plenty of articles that explain how to convert CD to ISO if needed but with virtualbox it’s not necessary unless you don’t have a CD drive.
You can also try crossover, but I did not have success with it.
it might work depending on your setup though and crossover has a free trial.
I’ve been building my own computers since I was a kid, and I can tell you that you don’t need an expensive computer to run trading software at all.
[quote]Minimum PC Requirements
Windows XP (SP3 Required), Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 2003 Operating System
Minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768
Minimum P4 Processor or higher
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (pre-installed on most PC’s or can be downloaded below)
Kidding me? A computer that’s almost 10 years old will run nt7 lol - so yeah go to a place like microcenter and buy a refurbished PC for like $150 bucks and it’ll work just fine and be higher specs than minimum requirements.
It runs great as a virtual on my mac, but it is a powerhouse (i7 3.8ghz, 16gb ddr3)
If you want the Elite Trader Experience you’ll want a higher end PC with at least 8gb DDR3, running windows 7, with a decent graphics card ($250 range) so you can run like 4 monitors at once
Also we will be launching our new apex cloud service soon for a easy high end (basically what you described multi monitor 8gb ddr3 etc… fast internet and awesome processor service soon) this will be good for mac traders, traveling traders using laptops, those with old pc’s, and those with poor internet connections.
Its just the tower. Most people have a monitor keyboard mouse goal was most power least cost optimized for trading. (ie many traders prefer higher end keyboard, mouse, monitors, and don’t want to pay more for a lower end one - ie i use Razor keyboards and mouse - and have lucidity monitors (insane high resolution - its like 4 monitors on one screen and easy on the yes - but not cheap)
Go to you can find extras if you need them like monitors, keyboard, mouse.
I did order them - got 8 of them They are expensive so not sure if they kept carrying them do to lack of demand or… call them up and ask. Let me know. If so they can recommend something for you.
Hello, the tools used (like Ninja-Trader) are awesome but require Microsoft. I have a MAC, any suggestions for tools accessible to MACs? I have also considered just buying a new computer, so I’m up for computer suggestions as well.
ahhh I love my mac too, but I’m glad i found this thread. I thought I’d have to install Parralells or something to run MT4 or NT or other trader programs. Now I know NOT to do that. Seems many missed darrel’s original description:
Windows runs on 1’s and 0’s, as does trading platforms. Mac’s run on a different environment, hence they’re Macs!
No point in trying to make a giraffe act like a dog.
I have a new PC I bought just to use windows quickbooks so it’s easier for my CPA (the conversion from mac QB to Windows QB didn’t even work…so that’s a good example of why NOT to try to make your Mac work like Windows! )
Anyways…it’s just sitting there with nothing going on.
My poor bored Windows PC is about to get a workout