Made A Mistake That has To Do With Focus

I traded a straddle, setup my take profit orders, looked at a chart the next day and seen price hit my take profit orders. So i was wondering why it hadn’t filled my order yet, then i remembered; the day before i cancelled some other trades and forgot that i had the take profit orders running for my daily trade when i deleted all the working orders i had.

Here is some psychology for you; it’s a practice account but still… losing a trade i was right on but made a serious error with bothered me more than losing a trade i was just plain wrong on.

Great lesson. What did i do wrong that i don’t want to repeat. Bravo for taking the lessons seriously in demo. Those who can do this will be much better at live trading.

[quote=dgaubatz313]I traded a straddle, setup my take profit orders, looked at a chart the next day and seen price hit my take profit orders. So i was wondering why it hadn’t filled my order yet, then i remembered; the day before i cancelled some other trades and forgot that i had the take profit orders running for my daily trade when i deleted all the working orders i had.

Here is some psychology for you; it’s a practice account but still… losing a trade i was right on but made a serious error with bothered me more than losing a trade i was just plain wrong on.[/quote]

We’ve all been there dgaubatz. I wouldn’t beat yourself up too much for making a simple execution mistake.

The most important thing is that your “thinking” and “process” was right.

If it’s any consolation to you, I’ve been fortunate enough to trade side by side with several veteran, ex bank traders, some of which had over 20yrs experience in the markets and I’ve watched every single one of them make execution mistakes!

The difference (just from observing them) is that true professionals simply accept that they made the mistake, take steps to correct it and then move on to the next trade with the same confidence and conviction they’ve always had.