Magnet price and news trades


This weekend I took the time to watch (or watch again) the Magnet pricing videos and am wondering- do these strategies go out the window during news trades?:confused:

Appreciate any insight.


They can work on news as well. Obviously test anything every single news announcement is different. Don’t lump each news announcement into one category of “news” and try to apply the same rules to them. You have to look at each announcement. But either way the concepts are valid with or without news. I am referring to happen from the the news. Leading into news on any system be careful and take news into account.


Thanks for taking the time to respond to my inquiry and also giving examples in today’s show! Always appreciate your insight.


You bet your question is the reason i was showing them on the show :slight_smile:


hello guys, Was going through the site to see if I could find more on magnet pricing, maybe Im just navigating away to thhe wrong places on the forum, so some pointers as to where they are would be nice.

I saw the video darrell posted up on the 5-6k gold trade ( :smiley: ), and I got a better understanding of what i was taught in the boomerang courses (market goes to where orders are)… the next questions that nag at me now are:

what was the math behind 6000 in determining the number of contracts to draw the “line in the sand” at? how would I find that quantity minimum for other markets/instruments?

darrell used 10 min bars in the video, but was wondering if it was possible for a magnet price to break WITHIN the 10 mins, rendering it useless? how do I know that the magnet bar’s still good and that it hasnt been “used” within the 10 mins? and, of course, if these rules differ according to market/instrument?

what time frames I would consider in my trades. within the hour or two? intraday? weekly? is there an average time gap between when a magnet bar plots and when it’s hit or exceeded a second time? and do magnet price hits occur in order their strength? (10,000 contracts-- first hit, 9000 contracts–second hit, 5500–third, etc…)

like i said, all this info may already be on another part of the forum.

thanks guys :slight_smile:


Hi Darrell, was studying up on my free time to try understanding the correlation between magnet pricing and the markets trend on smaller time scales. a few days ago i’d posted some questions regarding this… 9/15. please take your time


Get to em as I can you can PM me with a link to a unresponded post in the forum here if i take more than a week just in ase i missed it.

All publicly available magnet pricing training is available under the Style section of the forum under volume.

The math is look and see what a high volume bar is on 10 minute time frame. If you go to 10 min and zoom out and you can figure it out pretty quick as it sticks out like a sore thumb.

A magnet is not rendered useless just because it is touched. I suggest watching all the videos in the style section covering magnets.

There is a unique group that participated in the school fundraiser for computers for the elementary school that is getting some additional training as we automate the plotting of magnet pricing over the next couple months. But all that information is generally available in the videos provided in the aforementioned section.