Magnet Price/level Tutelage


During the Diagnostic Trading hour Tuesday, Darrell covered locating magnet price levels. The show was awesome, per usual. Very enlightening, and technically astute.

Is there a Volume Analysis/Magnet level course coming in the future ? :slight_smile:

Meantime, is there maybe a checklist available? (The radio show flies by making it difficult to grab all of the notes)

Thank you for all you do.



There are mutliple volume webinars under style - volume you can review I do cover magnets on them in a bit more detail.

We are actually making a magnet indicator but there is a LOT to it so it may be a few months or more. We will have it done once its right and once its right we will release it :slight_smile:

Not sure what you mean by checklist - its a live show not a planned ppt - but the archives are available usually by the days ends and you can watch them again and do pause rewind and play :slight_smile:


Again, thank you.

I will continue to review the volume webinars, jot down few (more) notes and look forward to the new indicator. :slight_smile:

“Checklist” - as to how to manipulate NinjaTrader as was done during Tuesday’s radio show. No worries, I think I have that part figured out. More of a NinjaTrader tool issue.

Enjoy your Father’s Day!
