In all my experience trading and blowing up accounts, I realized just this morning that perhaps part of my failures can be attributed to!..IMPATIENCE, and ANXIETY!!!
It’s not so much greed or fear. It’s forcing trades and not even knowing I’m forcing trades! I’ve been trying to “speed up” the reaching of my goal, which is trading for a living. But to do that, I need so much in my account to: A) survive the down turns and yet, B) take withdrawals on a regular basis to live on and keep my account the right size to continue the activity.
Unfortunately, I’ve never ever had the wherewithal to START my account at the proper size to HAVE the goal. It’s hard to say, if knowing this now would have been the key to better success, but this realization certainly gave me a feeling of relaxation when I stumbled into it this morning.
I can see where traders are a “unique breed of cat”. This “blind spot” in trading is just another pitfall that keeps the majority from being successful at this industry, for which I have a passion.
Again, thanks Darrell for this forum, your passion, and dedication. You are truly a man to be admired.