I want to drill and practice my trading in Market Replay. To trade forex, we have two connections: FXCM and CQB. So to setup Market Replay what data do I need to download for the indicators to work properly?
I have already downloaded the market replay data for the Forex pairs i will trade. What additional data do I need to download for the indicators to work? I would assume I need something to cover what the CQB real-time connection provides for the indicators?
If you already downloaded the market replay for whatever day you want to trade all the indicators should work. The only one, someone correct me if I’m wrong, that needs futures data with forex pairs is the volume indicator and you will need to pay for level 2 data for that to work.
[quote=binsking27] that needs futures data with forex pairs is the volume indicator and you will need to pay for level 2 data for that to work.
Okay thanks, so I am to get level 2. Got it.
What future data do I download? For example, if I want back data for eurusd, do I download 6E or GE? I don’t know futures, only forex, so I am sorry to ask a simple question like this.
Okay, I got the Marketreplay.net and one of the options is Continuous Contracts. I checked that before downloading.
You are going to hate me, but you said go to the scanner. Where is the scanner that I am to go to? I looked in NT7’s menus and did not see anything scanner. On the website, I went to the scanner drop down and went to FAQ’s, did not see anything. I then went to Nadex scanner and installed it. On this screen, bottom right it says ‘equavalent instruments.’ Is that what you are referring to?
Maybe I did something wrong. I tried the replay, and it did not work. I don’t see the APEX indicators showing, but I have both pattern and pattern scanner loaded on the chart.
The marektreplay data I downloaded was back to Jan 1 2014 and the folder looks like:
05.14.2014-16.07.48 - Stearno’s library
So what do I need to fix so that I can practice trading these systems? I appreciate your help.
For what futures symbols to use… Yes on scanner - choose nadex information current underlyhings and forex rollover to see the Ninja Trader Future’s symbols
Though replace the date with ##-## instead of ie 06-14
Okay, I got the Marketreplay.net and one of the options is Continuous Contracts. I checked that before downloading.
You are going to hate me, but you said go to the scanner. Where is the scanner that I am to go to? I looked in NT7’s menus and did not see anything scanner. On the website, I went to the scanner drop down and went to FAQ’s, did not see anything. I then went to Nadex scanner and installed it. On this screen, bottom right it says ‘equavalent instruments.’ Is that what you are referring to?
Notice i have usd/cad and 6C ##-## oldest date to current - L1 and L2 data Active Only (gets all the active contracts during that time… Cloud (makes it fast) Only Modeless Mode (lets you use nt7 if you click abort it will keep working in the background)
You could also duplicate this and click the download the Continous Contracts ##-## for good measure
Open chart with template etc… then add another data series choosing the forex future (though you may need to choose the continous contract instead of the 06-14 ie ##-## one that you added to instrument list. (if doing minute bars choose same time frame - if using diagnostic bars use same bar type and tick size - choose OHLC fomat under chart style - and make the bars transparent for up and down ensure default 24x7 is checked.)
Add the indicator Expected Volume - assign in to the Futures Contract - Close - And choose Same as Input Series
For EUR/JPY you would need to download both the continuous contracts for 6E and 6J (you should not ahve to do the additional data series for this.
If its not working after doing all the above then just open to 4 minute bars charts one for 6E and one for 6J and add expected volume and add the VOL indicator. shrink them (don’t close) and run the indicator as normal on EUR/JPY so it can pull the data for the volume.
You also may need to go through it 2x one to load all the ata on the futures - the second time to have all the data for the fored pair to be able to pull the futures data.
Just listing out all possible steps here.
Please try the above also ask the vendor and if stuck let me know.
I downloaded GE 6-14. Also, I downloaded GE ##-## (they appear to result the same).
I then put both data series on the chart and pointed the indicator towards that data series.
Here is what I did and what it results:
As you will notice having both data series on one chart causes the diagnostic bars to be spread out or scrunched together. The actual volume does not stay, it goes up and then goes away. Finally, there is no expected volume (yellow bar).
Are you meaning to trade eurodollar. Which are interbank deposits. Are you trading this intentionally? Or are you meanign tot trade EUR/USD 6e futures. If your trying to trade EUR/USD and want the futures data that would be 6E not GE - again check the nadex information tab on the scanner.
We list these with the exact contracts for the currency futures on the nadex scanner under the nadex information tab. Look at forex futures link once there.
You would also need to download eur/usd spot replay data. (though there would not be any benefit to level 2 on spot forex)
If your are meaning to do GE i have no idea why your doing 2 data series.
Okay, that could explain it. I had the wrong symbol for EUR/USD futures.
To be honest, I thought GE and 6E were the same when I chose it. I will download 6E and then try adn see what happens. I hope that is the easy solution.
Yes, you said to go to the scanner, but when I went to the scanner, it did not answer my question:
So neither tab on the Nadex Scanner shows me which future symbol to use with which currency pair, as far as I can see in the above.
And again I am sorry if I am missing the obvious. I have never traded futures, so I do not even know the basics it seems. So I appreciate your patience.
I will let you know how it goes when I use the correct future contract. Cross the fingers.
As for Market Replay, I followed your latest guidance on the forum. I just downloaded the latest 6E. But now the chart looks like this: 05.20.2014-21.21.03 - Stearno’s library
http://screencast.com/t/WCOvFlFZ]05.20.2014-21.18.25 - Stearno’s library
Only issue really with it now, is that the actual volume seems to be coming through, but the expected volume seems to be disproportionately low compared to live. Is there anything more I need to do to set things up? Maybe change Use Future Volume True/False. [url=http://screencast.com/t/x41cRxafVp[/url]
Second issue, is that it spaces the diagnostic bars out so it does not appear readable. Basically, if this is how it works then either use volume or use bars, but cant do both. I appreciate your help!
No it should be true that is the whole point is to use futures forex volume on forex.
Did you try just putting the volume on FX without using 6E ##-##. Now that you downloaded the data. It automatically pulls 6E ##-##. Just open 6E##-## in its own chart with volume while doing replay on it. And just add expected volume (or use the standard template) on the regular EUR/USD chart. So two charts open.
You also could just test it with just 6E ##-## they are the same thing a couple pips different but its consistent. Which would not impact you on a backtest.
I opened 6E##-## chart and eur/usd chart open at the same time. The 6E##-## chart was doing fine on the volume, showing just like in live. The EURUSD chart was plotting the expected volume gold line, but it was not pulling the purple columns or actual volume. It just stayed at 0 during the replay.