Note this is not for the Apex Elite MVP system is is just for a stand alone MVP system
The video is being updated.
To setup the chart for this system simply go to file new chart
Select instrument new
Choose 4 minute bars days back 125 session template defaukt default 24/7 and choose any of the the MVP and boomerang templates. They are all the same just different color formats.
JUST A NOTE: Make sure that when you have FX live data, that you check this setting in Ninja Trader. Go to Tools-Options-Data- and make sure that this setting is set to “PIP”
We show how to setup different charts (ie 5 10 diagnostic) for different systems this does not mean yiu use them all on each system. Only use the ones as explained for that specific system ie 4 min for ttpc for entries. Using 1,2,3 for early detection but not entering. Possible 1, 2 , 3 10 may be used for switching from aggressive or moderate to conservative trailing stop. Make sure not to cross the rules. Master one system before trying to do several to ensure you don’t mix uo the rules
Deviation levels change everyday. So not sure if your comparing old to new numbers. But they are the same for everyone on that day on that same instrument. So I’m not sure what you mean i would need a side by side comparison screenshot.
So in the image I’m inserting below, which reflects the chart you were building in video 1, note how thin your deviation lines are in comparison to the comparatively thicker (and sort of distracting) lines that paint on my chart
We are always doing upgrades. Yours is showing after the upgrade
We added a range highlighter around the deviations to make it obvious when the price is near a deviation level.
Simply go to the deviation levels indicator and make the opacity 1 to make it less distracting or 0 to eliminate the highlight. (Repeat on each of the four deviation level indicators.
Greetings! Can you recommend a different trading platform to use for Mac users? Ninja is a Windows based program and can only run on a Mac if you have something like Parallels Apple Boot Camp installed. Or a recommended software that allows Ninja to operate optimally for the purposes that we’ll use it for?
Mike - I am a diehard Mac user and have tried every combination possible to try and use NT on a Mac. The simple truth is that there is no way to use it where you are not sacrificing something (generally speaking, speed). I ended up breaking down and bought a PC to trade with, got an all in one that was on sale, stripped all the unnecessary stuff of it and use it solely for trading.
mike check out this post - i have an imac, ipad, iphone etc…
i love apple -
but my love for apple is not greater than my love for trading
don’t let you mac cost you money by accepting less - the point of having a mac is having the best and your not going to get the best of trading on a mac
this hesitation when we are honest is more about our emotional attachment than our objective of profit…
Note the video is being updated but instructions have been posted in its place.
Also very important this is not for Apex Elite MVP. It is for a binary trading system that is totally in dependant of apex elite. To see setup videos on apex elite see the courses under the elite menu at the top. Ninja template set up walk through and apex elite MVP course.
Has this video been updated yet? Do you set the charts up with diagnostic bars set for 12 ticks or do you set it up with what you have listed under diagnostic bars? The range indicator link below takes you to a missing page. Thanks!
[quote=darrell]Note this is not for the Apex Elite MVP system is is just for a stand alone MVP system
The video is being updated.
To setup the chart for this system simply go to file new chart
Select instrument new
Choose 4 minute bars days back 125 session template defaukt default 24/7 and choose any of the the MVP and boomerang templates. They are all the same just different color formats.[/quote]