MVP Thread

Webinar had sound recording issue. Updating video (which will be shorter :slight_smile: and will reload)

Any strategy to avoid choppy market movements? :slight_smile:

Please provide an example of what you mean. What strategy are you doing what bar size are you using etc… with screenshot. ITM/OTM etc…

MVP Updates uploaded see this link for details:

Yes, sorry, for example, 2014-01-29_1704 - mtxneo’s library I see that chart pretty dangerous for epc < 15 min. By the way, googd news from updates :slight_smile:

I took your screenshot. I highlighted the last 15 minutes of every hour on it for EPC. Noted which one has signals in the last 15 minutes for EPC This is good as we use the 2 Minute bars on EPC’s.

1 am no signal 2 am long signal won 3 am short signal won 4 am no signal 5 am short signal won 6 am long signal won

Out of 6 hours had 4 signals and all four won.

Note this is not my cherry picked chart this is your chop chart…

So still confused what chop are you trying to filter out? 4 signals in 6 hours with 100% win rate? What more do you want? :slight_smile:


Thank you for clear my chart :-). By the way, the first video you showed the results of time scalper the entry of each trade was arround 8pm with expiration 3am or 7 am. But im seeing this strategy is not included anymore, dosent works ? Because to me is much more comfortable cause I can exit with more time. Thanks

Mtxneo. Anything can happen from 7pm till 3am, that’s a whole Session right there. why would you want to risk $85 or $40 to make $10 - $15. U can make more in 15 - 20 min every hour at night using MVP EPC strategy that will be shown in webinar today. I work at night and believe me it works better than that original strategy.

I don’t know why someone would feel comfortable with More time doing an ITM P.C. More time is your enemy when trading ITM Binaries, you want to get in and out as quickly as possible. I would understand if you were doing an OTM Binary (More time is your friend). Hope that helps.

It could be done with this chart. If you want to sit there and manage a single trade for $15 for 5 to 7 hours. People dont wamt to do that so we improved it But if your going to do that might as well just do trades every hour or two will male more money I’m the same amount of time and you can walk away after say 15 minutes or a couple hours if you want… more time means more time to lose when it comes to premium collection. You don’t want more time it does not add comfort it removes it as it increases risk of loss and slows down time decay. Hence just look at your chart mote time would have hurt not helped yoi. The trade shown was not scrapped… it was simply improved upon we are always working towards improving. Again we just looked at your chart showing 100% wins… what in the world are you looking for???

Thank for your replies. I think I have improve .my trading. Ill be testing new strategy, thank you

Just a noob more question, I dont understand epc every hour. If the expirstions at night is 11 and 3 am. What am I missing?

Updated expiration schedule under scanner

Usd/jpy has expirations 8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17 (Sunday to Monday) usd/jpy has expirations 7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17 (Monday through Thursday) usd/jpy has expirations 7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16, (Thursday to Friday)

Thanks you so much darrell, i’m sorry for all my questions :slight_smile:

Best way to learn is asking questions keep asking them! Thats the whole point of the apex community is to all learn and grow together.

Webinar had sound recording issue. Updating video (which will be shorter :slight_smile: and will reload)

Am I crazy or is there no sound? I checked the education tab and could hear you just fine on other webinars!

Yeah youtube error will have to fix tomorrow

My first couple of trades using the 4 min MVP strategy, I was testing with GC and CL

The GC trade I was stopped out with a small profit.

The CL Trade I held to expiration.

Am I correct in assuming that the audio for the MVP webinar is still down?

yes as stated above