Having problems with Nadex Compliance, every time I think all the issues are fixed, there is just one more thing…
My first question is has anyone successfully opened up an entity account with Nadex?
Having problems with Nadex Compliance, every time I think all the issues are fixed, there is just one more thing…
My first question is has anyone successfully opened up an entity account with Nadex?
This may be a late reply as I just stumbled across your question. Yes I have an entity account with Nadex. I had an excellent experience with the compliance legal department & found them to be very helpful. Everyone has a different situation but mine is this: I am a US Citizen Living Abroad (that’s my tax status as well). I have legal residence in another country so do not qualify to open an account in my name because I am physically out of the USA. An entity became not only necessary to operate an account with Nadex but has other advantages from a tax perspective as well in my particular situation. What I would recommend is to start the process from the end & work forward ie: contact them first for their guidance in what they will require to authorize your entity account and proceed from there knowing what you will need. Obviously there are other considerations but they are a great beginning point.