Nadex Binaries - New Expirations At Night GBP/USD, AUD/USD and Nikkei 225

Great News!

Nadex has just added the Nikkei 225 (Japan 225) Intraday binaries at night and they are live now in the evening for trading. (For Ninjatrader SGX Nikkei 225 data feed info click here “” )

In addition, Nadex will be adding AUD/USD and GBP/USD night time intraday binaries starting at 6 pm with 2 hour expirations every single hour with the final expiration at 5 pm ET. The strikes will be 10 ticks wide. The binary expiration schedule has been updated to reflect this.

The night time binaries for AUD/USD and GBP/USD will become available effective March 3rd, 2014.

Make sure to check out the Nadex Trading Pit “”]MVP strategy and the [URL=“”[/url] - this will add a lot more trades for us to take advantage of :slight_smile:
