Hello Darrell. I have watched the expiration premium collection and trend premium collection videos. It seems to me that this ratio binary strategy is the best of the three if one has a directional bias. Would you agree?
Expiration premium collection is a directional bias with less than 15 minutes on the clock (it would be hard and high risk to try to pull the the ratio strategy during the last 15 minutes)
Trend trading premium collection allows you to have less risk than the ratio strategy (This strategy can be done in 1-6 hours usually or less) if flat or up you make make money with very defined risk but also less max profit potential
The ratio strategy has more risk, but also more profit if flat and especially if it does in fact trend in your preferred direction (This strategy may take more time (ie 2-12 hours from expiration)
So its a matter of time till expiration, distance, risk/reward etc… (all coming together)
The big things on strategies is what is the best strategy for the analysis you are doing. There is not a “best strategy” for all conditions. Strategy being different ways to use a instrument on a entry/exit rules system. You learn over time to know when to pick which strategy based on what you see.
If you believe the market will stay relatively flat with a decent potential to breakout within the next 2+ hours then the double ratio binary strategy is best.