Nadex Historical Data | Nadex NT Data Feed

Not sure if this has been talked about elsewhere in the forum, but…Does Nadex provide historical data on binaries and spreads? It would be great to have a data set that matches up Nadex binary and spread pricing data with the underlying instrument price on a tick by tick basis along with strike prices and expiration times.

Additionally, it would be really cool to have a Nadex data feed that we could connect to within NT7, to be able to see binary and spread prices on the same chart as the underlying.

Thank you,


I was wondering myself if it was possible to backtest binaries and spreads somehow with Nadex historical data, charts, info, etc. Does Nadex have anything like that where we can look it up? Or has anyone been able to do this?

Nope not currently available by Nadex or anyone else…

But we are building it :slight_smile:

But yes as posted throughout the forum we are setting up servers to record the data (ie we have it feeding in our scanner) (its an insane amount of information its not like the price of apple or ES - its every single tick on 1,000’s of contracts a week) that has to be all batched queried and pieced together clearly for output.

We are doing this so one can backtest in the scanner - ie choose date then scroll forward like a market replay in nt7

We are also working towards integrating it with ninjatrader first for live trading selection/scanner filters

Second for market reply directly on the charts…for nadex…

Step by Step…we are getting there

This will help new traders get more experience faster and will help experienced traders be able to test systems and ideas quickly.

So its a priority and our goal is to have it sometime this year. There is no ETA on it yet but its already in the planning/architectural stages.

Sounds great as always :wink: Thanks Darrell

Excellent - thank you, Darrell!

Is there any update on this? I realize this is a huge undertaking so I’m sure it will take a while. Thanks!

We will announce it when its ready. Its in progress we have the brand new 2.0 data feed stable we are crossing over underthings and indicatives as there are a lot of applications to this program. This new data feed will be fore recording data on charts, the scanners, feeding into nt7 and much more. It should start recording data soon then we will slowly release piece by piece the applications we are asking for it and will as with all new applications announce it on our Thursday webinars twitter feeds and directly in nt7 announcements (if you have the toolkit). Obviously i want this just as bad as all of you for my own trading :). Lots of cool uses we will get it done as fast as we can and will let you know when done.

Coming up on 4 years…would we say this was abandoned?