Nadex My First Trade

So today was a good start. I took my first trade on Nadex on my demo account of course. The process of placing and order is a lot easier than it looks. So I’m glad I got the “platform phobia” out of the way.

I took a trade today and here is how it worked out…

Trade Details: Contract: AUD/USD >1.0281 (10AM) Expiration: Wed Mar 06 10:00:00 EST 2013 Direction: SELL Quantity: 1 Price: 60.00


Contract: AUD/USD >1.0281 (10AM) Expiration: Wed Mar 06 10:00:00 EST 2013 Direction: BUY Quantity: 1 Price: 10.00

The trade I placed was a winner although I took my profits out being that you always mention to take profits out while your ahead and that’s what I did. However there was one thing that confused me. As the trade was playing out the P/L was showing me that I was up 50$ so I decided that I would get out of the position. So placed my order and when I looked to see what my profit was it only showed that I made $34.

That was really confusing…

Since I sold at $60 and bought at $10 shouldn’t my profit be $50?

First great job. You are right the platform looks intimidating but it is really easy. Also make sure to watch the platform training videos under tutorial - nadex - platform this will help a lot (they are short and sweet and worth the time).

If you sold at 60 and bought back at 10 then yes your profit was $50 less fees say .90 per side if you did 1 so 1.80 in fees making your P&L $48.50

So the next question is make sure that you look at order history as it will show you what you actually submitted and what price as filled. Nadex orders are always limit orders which means at the price you enter or better.

You can go to my account / tranactions ou will see 40 was deducted and then 90 was deposited

where are you getting the P&L number from?

Also always remember you can always call nadex with questions as they can see your account:

Please let me know what you find out.

I got my profit and loss numbers from calculating the difference of the 2 orders I took today. Nadex Sent me the results via email which is very easy and clear to read by the way.

So I took the entry at which I sold which was $60 and subtracted $10 which was the price difference of $50.

But I’m thinking maybe the fills were somewhat different. If it’s not that then maby its something on Nadex’s end.

I have an image below of the order history for you to check out. Let me know what you think?

Click the link below to see the image…:stuck_out_tongue:

Let me know what you think…

<img src=/uploads/db0876/1178/f2b876c29ca540ab.jpg">

$50 is profit not sure where you are getting the other number from still…I suggest calling nadex if you have questions as they can see your account and answer it more accurately - let me know what they say…still not sure where confusion is coming from

the emails they send just show executes or settlements payout (if held to expiration which payout includes risk and P/L) nether shows P&L by iteslf

easies way to use do image is just go to and download jing - its free it will let you capture and image and upload to screencast and then share the link here

I will contact them and see what happens. But I’m just getting the hang of things though. Just getting passed the learning curve…

As far as the image goes they are on my Cloud App. It’s easier for me to do that.

ok… yeah i think it just a reading the P&L thing as those fills = $50 profit