OK - I’m new here, and fairly new to bin-ops … there is something very strange about the way Nadex current pricing of forex pairs correlates with the rest of the world (or perhaps I should say doesn’t correlate). I have been following and occasionally trading bin-ops with Nadex for several weeks now and I continue to notice that their current price of the underlying instrument often bears only a glancing resemblance to what other data feeds are providing (such as FXCM, Oanda and others, all of whom correlate pretty well with each other). Further, I have noted many instances where it seems that a price might have been artificially held down (or up) until the closing minutes of the contract. I am not accusing anyone of price manipulation but it strikes me as weird that Nadex’s current price is so often at odds with other data sources, and more than odd that often this results in the trader being on the losing end of a contract - just by a hair or two. Has anyone else noticed anything like this … or am I just being too picky? I like the whole bin-op concept, and I don’t mind a gambling atmosphere - but it must be a fair game. I am not an idiot, and tossing money into what may be a rigged game strikes me as idiocy of the first order.
Would really appreciate candid responses from others