Nadex Stock Index Charts

Are there charts for the stock indices on Ninja Trader? I know US Tech 100 is based on Nasdaq 100, but when I clicked on that a lot of individual stocks came up. How do I look at a chart of the whole thing? Thanks!

Yes Ninja has the ability to show any future/forex/index etc…

Do you want the futures NQ Do you want the index For Nasdaq 100 Do you want the ETF QQQQ

Do you want live or EOD data?

EOD get for free from For free live futures/forex data see step 4 under getting started steps For live index/stock data you can use kinetick paid or a broker feed (but if using diagnostic bars you have to have true tick data (ie you can connct to a broker like IB or TOS but you first have to connect to a true tick data provider like AMP/Gain/Kinetic/IQ Feed etc…)

Let me know specifically what you are looking for and I will be glad to help.

I’m still new at this, and trying to learn Nadex. I did step 4, so I have live data on fx and commodities. I’ve been looking at those charts and trying to learn how to understand them. I would also like to learn the indices on Nadex. I have the P3 signals, but I would like to take a few trades on the side so I can learn how. I want the right charts for Nadex so I’m not just guessing about strikes or direction. I would really appreciate it if you could list what to search for in Ninja for these markets.

Wall Street 30 US 500 US Tech 100 US SmallCap 2000 FTSE 100 Germany 30 Japan 225

Watch the 3 hour tutorial linked on home page I go into how to add instruments

Click on deviations for most markets we show the ninja symbol for nadex if you hover over name

Like us500 is es 06-13 note current month in nadex is June

Also under this link on second tab I have the symbol in ninja for every nadex market

Nadex now includes the underlying indicative settlment charts live in the platform