Nadex Sub Account

With so many ways to trade Nadex, is it possible to sub-accounts at Nadex? If I want to track my progress on Apex patterns trades and my P3 trades and my hedge trades separately but do not want to itemize each trade, I might set up several sub-accounts. Temporary sub-accounts could also be set-up for experimental strategies, etc.

Sub-accounts would be particularly useful for tracking success with hedges. For example, if I want to trade GBPJPY there are no deviation levels; however, there are spot forex positions I can take outside of Nadex, but I would use the Nadex GBPJPY to hedge those trades. If I am correct in the spot trades, my hedge “sub-account” would be a continual “loser” on paper despite the fact it was serving its purpose. If this is not separated from my other trades, it would reflect negatively on them.

Nadex only allows you to have one account for regulatory reasons. You can call them to see if there are any exceptions like corporate accounts or something but I don’t know of any.

You would need to keep a trade log to track your progress on the singular account. That is how most traders would do this. No reason to care what your “record” looks like its just your record. In the end what matters if your P&L Yes hedge trades lose on nadex ideally as that means the net trade won as the future/forex won on the trade.

Note you can’t use GBP/JPY to hedge GBP/JPY spot as nadex ticks in dollars on all spreads where as USD/JPY forex ticks in JPY… It will be close but not exact like a /USD quoted currency (USD/JPY, USD/CAD, USD/CHF, EUR/JPY, GBP/JPY, DAX, FTSE, Nikkei - all tick in something besides USD) on these instruments you are probably better off using the master spread as the underlying (other befnefit of master spread is it keeps all the P&L in the same account - master spreads usually trade very close if not exactly to on par with the underlying - so this can be one on any instrument only downside is limited upside but it is a larger spread so usually more upside). Also this keeps your “track record” in the same account.

Man, I really wish I could have two nadex accounts. I thought of a loophole. You create your own box spread (I just watched that video) by buying the upper spread & selling the middle spread, or selling the lower spread & buying the middle spread. You would do one in one account, and the other in the second account. Do it before the London open on GBP/JPY, or US open on EUR/USD… That way, no matter which direction it moves, you will lose very little on one account & make a bunch on the other… instead of just doing one & making money or hedging the other way.

You dont need 2 accounts for th is you can buy 2 different spreads in the same account. If you bought and sold the same spread in 2 accounts you would just end up with loosing the bid/offer spread and fees. No edge there.

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