Nadex Wallet

a Wallet would be a nice feature to see at Nadex… I wonder if they would do it so that if you deposit $1,000 you can move it to the wallet and have a 5% Balance of $50. do you guys think this is a good idea?

It’s a great idea but I doubt they will do it as they are an exchange which brings a whole otyer level of regulatory issues brokees aeejt unde. However they do have a future focus of having fcms for the majority of clients in the future amd one of them may embrace the idea. But you can always submit it under my account in the platform as a suggestion.

I don’t think I understand the concept of the “wallet”? How would this be useful?

lmao i agree

I think he means like google wallet maybe where he can withdraw funds using a debit card or something of that sort…

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