New nadex binary scanner 5m period v "time to go"


Hello, I’m currently interested in trading 5m binaries. In the new binary scanner there is obviously a 5m period filter for 5m contracts where I could filter down to just 5m contracts showing. Now there is also the “time to go” filter…would there be any benefit or hindrance to me just using the “time to go” filter and set that to 5m remaining? So I would leave the period to all, and set the “time to go” to 5 minutes remaining. Just off the top of my head I picture that as possibly giving me more options than just having the contracts filtered to the 5m period contracts…but would there be a technical reason not to do it this way?


I don’t think there is a technical reason not to do this, should be just fine, try it out and tell the rest of us!!

They made it tough, don’t be afraid to break it!!

If you notice an issue, just let em know!!


I’ll do that yoshi, thanks for your time in your reply


The 5 minute is literally just to show contracts that last 5 minutes only that have narrower strike widths. If you want top of hour or other markets in their last 5 minutes with wider strikes then use the time to go 5 min max option.