Hello all,
Wish I found this place and nadex sooner. I have been trading for about a month now on oversees bucket shops and have lost a lot of money. While I still have working capital, my new plan is to actually work the demo account for a while before getting back into the game.
I’ve watched several webinar videos, and really gotta say wow. just wow. with all of the scams out there and the affiliate stuff, it is a breath of fresh air to see what you guys are doing.
One thing I really like, is that you can sell an option that is currently in your favor and take profit. I’ve never seen that before! I’ve been in the money and the sell price of a “call or put” was still less than my investment - forcing me to wait until expiry.
This is awesome.
Now I do have some questions:
I’ve been using MT5 for my trades, and come to find out, you guys use Ninja Trader 7 with subscriptions to other services to get the live prices?? That confuses me. I don’t understand why you have to subscribe to another list to get prices when you can get it for free on MT5.
That being the case, if I have to use NT7 to increase my probability of winning then so be it, I will… But I can’t seem to find the web page one of your videos was showing on Youtube that had the download links and also the instructions on getting the subscriptions. I would prefer free if possible.
Can you recommend a trading system that works for me? I would prefer to trade the maximum amount of positions possible within a day. What I mean is, I just love it. I love buying positions, selling positions, buying positions in opposite directions and banking on a range, etc, etc. Just love the technical analysis. I hate fundamental analysis though (gotta work on that) - anyway, I really just want to try a strategy out that is low risk, yet allows me to trade at least 20 times a day. I really want to just to intraday but will settle with daily and even weekly. Personality-wise, I thrive in chaos, and I love fast paced challenges and I can sit at a PC all day watching charts for entries - no problem.
Thanks a lot guys hope to be around for years to come.
Hi Tone,
Darrell will get back to you as soon as he can & explain everything. In the meantime since you found this to post I am assuming you are familiar with this website so go the the Home tab, click on Start Here and follow the instructions. I think what may be a bit confusing to you is the various vendors everybody uses here. Just follow those instructions on the Start Here & have faith…it will work. You need Ninja Trader for your platform but then you need data feeds for both futures and forex and yes, it is all free. Looks like you are an early bird like me. Welcome!
Wow Thanks!
Unfortunately I don’t have the capital to put $500 in another account to get forex feeds. I also do not have the capital to pay for the service here. I’ve sadly lost so much at the bucket shops which by the way, have way worse odds than nadex! There is no 1:1 with them! There were so many things I could do where I would win if I were on nadex with my prev. positions, I could have saved thousands.
So anyway, at this point I am trying to recover from my mistakes and just do a nadex demo account for a while. Unfortunately, it will most likely take me 6-9 weeks to recover, so the 2 week trials would be done and over with by the time I had working capital for trading.
So at this point, I can’t get an elite demo plan, and I can’t use NinjaTrader 7, all I can do is use technical indicators I’ve been using for months like MACD, Parabolic SAR, and Sochi and work with those alongside a demo account on nadex. If I can prove that I can be profitable, then I can definitely get capital to dive into this.
So, do you guys have any recommendations? I can’t use your NJ7 indicators and I can’t subscribe with a $500 deposit to services, all I can do is trade demo. Should I just trade the news and anticipate a breakout in either direction then? Or is it OK if I use my current technical indicators with MT5?
Thanks for your help,
Metatrader has a ton of issues one is you can’t see real volume only fake tick volume. You need real volume even on forex you need to be looking at futures forex volume when trading the spot pair. I can go into a whole list of issues with mt5 (but its not as free as you think it is).
The sooner you get off mt5 the better off you will be and there is zero reason to be on it.
Don’t trade the news without knowing what to trade (which announcements) what to expect (how far it should move) and what strategy you should be doing. I lay this out on the news trading plan. Use the scanner asap to learn nadex its not a get to it later tool its a day 1 tool and its free and activate the free demo access for the stop plugin.
I think you are misunderstanding we show you multiple options. IQ feed gives you 1 2 week trial. But that is nto the case on the others.
You don’t have to put in $500 to get the free data. They are free trials. FXCM is free. CQG is free through NTB for 3 weeks and you can renew it every 3 weeks. NinjaTrader is free.
Even if you focus just on forex you need future data for the futures fx volume. Again ninja, fxcm, cqg via NTB all free.
The elite trial won’t do you any good without the room to the nadex trading pit as your trading binaries. The elite trial is for elite traders trading futures/forex/spreads/stocks or longer term binaries. not for short boomerang trades (though paying elite members get access to all the boom stuff and the pit etc… - trial members on elite are to be focusing on the elite strategy so it won’t help you that much.
It can pay for itself quick. You can use our public twitter feed to check out some signals we send out free as well etc… that we send out.
Ok, let’s do this! I put only $100 in so it’s most likely going to be a loss, but I want to give it a try, will use demo account as well. Can get more capital down the road.
$100 is just to open live fund it do a trade - and extend your demo…
if you only have $100 just save money up and trade demo
Discipline up front is very important and this is a good time to start practicing