New trading log with analysis

This is a spreadsheet I made for tracking my trades. It includes the ability to sort trades by system and break them down for analysis. By sorting trades by system, hopefully traders can better evaluate where their best and worst trades are located and improve their overall results.

Feel free to use it or add components of it to your existing spreadsheets. If you improve on it that’s even better. :slight_smile: If you notice any errors in the formulas please let me know as well.


TRADING LOG(nadex).xlsx (5.8 MB)


I have a formula adjustment for anyone using my spreadsheet. It corrects an error recording the fees when trading spreads with more than one contract. Under the trade analysis tab, column AA, cell AA2 (for live trading) remove /ABS(LIVE!C2) from the section of formula marked below. The ABS formula occurs 3 times in the cell, only remove the first instance. Then copy that cell and paste the adjusted formula into the cells below it (ctrl c / ctrl v).

Adjusted formula:

The process is the same for demo in column AE, cell AE2.

Also, when recording multiple contracts on spreads enter the entry price and exit price (out @) in terms of a single contract. Entering the correct quantity will then allow the total position and overall balance to be shown correctly.

Sorry but my adjustment needs readjusting :(. The ABS formula does need to be there just inside the parentheses. Also the adjustments just need to go down to row 200. If I can trust my eyes, everything looks correct now.

Can you post the updated spread sheet? Thanks

Apex had to temporarily increase the maximum file size for uploading so I could upload the original file so I won’t be able to upload the spreadsheet again. If you adjust that one cell - AA2 on the trade analysis page then copy it down that column through row 200 it will solve that issue for live trading. Same process for demo using cell AE2.

New spreadsheet to help with trading.

TRADINGLOG(nadex)1.2.xlsx (5.8 MB)

This new version corrects the error I had previously identified. My earlier instructions were actually off in regards to the columns to be edited. I was working off of my personal log which has some extra stuff in it. Apologies for any confusion with that. The examples on the sheet should show that the trades post correctly.

I can’t seem to download the spreadsheet. is that because I am a free member?

We moved forums the attachmemt dod not carry over @wmiller561 may need to reupload it.

TRADINGLOG(nadex)1.2.xlsx (5.8 MB)

Here you go.

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This is awsome Work! Thank You

Thank you so much!

You’re very welcome.

Hello WMiller, have you updated your spreadsheet in the last 270 days? Thanks Clayton

I haven’t. Is there an issue that I can help with?

Thanks for the response. I was just looking to start using it and did not want to have to change something if there was and updated version out there.

thank you fir the xls sheet

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Can someone send me this excel sheet please to my email @ [email protected]? I am getting the following error when trying to download it from the forum.


What excwl aheet are you trying to download for the 90 day excel sheet download it ubder step 4 in whats next