Oil inventory will not be released tomorrow as Monday was a holiday so it will be delayed till Thursday.
You can enter basically
2 hours before, ie 9 for 11 am expiration
1 hour before, Ie at 10 for 11 am expiration,
2 hours before ie at 10 for 12 pm expiration
or even the night before ie - 6 pm for 2:30 PM expiration etc…
whatever expiration time you use make sure your expected ranges for high to low and close to close are set for the amount of time you will be in the trade and will start at the time you will enter
ie start at 10 ends at 11 (1 hour) starts at 10 ends at 12 pm (2 hour), starts at 10 ends at 2:30 - 4.5 hour etc…
Use these ranges to know what to expect as oil inventory NORMALLY comes every Wednesday at 10:30 AM and then look at premium pricing justifies a condor or a straddle based on the expected move - adjust them to compare different expirations to find the best one.
You use the offset if you need things to line up differently - ie setting up a 9 am for a 11 AM expiration - or warning a 9:30 AM for a 11 AM Expiration may use say 90 minutes etc…
You will have to play with the minutes - first set the begin/end time you want ie 90 minutes from entry to exit
Then just adjust the offset time till it lines up with your entry/exit time on the expected range
You should be able to collect enough premium to account for a majority of the expected range move high to low
You should be able to pay a small enough premium to profit on a 1:1 if the market ran up the expected range move high to low and you took profit
If the premium is not there for either you don’t take the trade.
For an iron condor to work you need either
A) Time so you can collect the time premium
B) Excess implied volatility (due to a larger than normal move expectation - ie a news report coming out)
Depends on the premium you receive and the width of the spread. ie eur/usd spreads are narrower than GBP/USD spreads so one may be more tempted to use them on GBP/USD - but you also get more premium on GBP/USD
As a general rule i look for about a 1:1 as a stop loss on a iron condor -
If you don’t have A or B there wont be enough premium to do an iron condor.
For night time ones you just have to plot the expected ranges then look at premiums to see if its worth it or not. As IV changes etc… the answer will change depending on the night.