Ninja Trader Update

I received an email, as I’m sure many of you did, to update Ninja Trader within the next couple weeks. I accidentally deleted that email today. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:, and also told the little pop-up ninja trader updater message to quit popping up, (because I thought I still had the email…oops). Can anyone help me out with instruction on this? Provide the link that was on the pop-up message or the email instruction? I’m assuming we all have to update Ninja Trader…?



“- I study charts for fun”

I think this may be what you’re talking about.

Thank you, drestew! Much appreciated.

“- I study charts for fun”

I haven’t updated yet because I wasn’t sure if it would interfere with the apex indicators. Sounds like it’s a mandatory update so I’m assuming everything is good to go?

I haven’t done it either, but I’m pretty sure it is mandatory, and we all have to do it. Maybe an Apex staff member can shed some light on this…?

“- I study charts for fun”

I updated mine yesterday & haven’t had any issues.

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